1 Social and Demographic Indicators
1.1 Total mid-year population
1.2 Urban and female population (%)
1.3 Economically active population
1.4 Total international migrants
1.5 Adult illiteracy rate (% )
1.6 Gross enrolment ratio in primary
1.7 Gross enrolment ratio in secondary
1.8 Pupil teacher ratio
1.9 Gender parity index in primary, Total
1.10 Gender parity index in secondary, Total
1.11 Primary health care
2 Economic Statistics
2.1 GDP at current market prices
2.2 Real GDP growth rate
2.3 GDP per capita
2.4 Structure of GDP and gross value added (at current market prices)
2.5 Structure of uses (at current market prices)
2.6 Inflation (Average annual growth rates) (%)
2.7 Agricultural and food production Index
2.8 Industrial, mining and manufacturing production index
2.9 Electricity production by type
3 Monetary and Financial Statistics
3.1 Broad money supply
3.2 Exchange rate indices
3.3 Government finances
4 External Sector
4.1 External debt
4.2 Balance of payments
4.3 Financial flows
4.4 Intra-African trade by economic groupings in 2015
5 Economic Infrastructure and Investment Climate
5.1 Tourism and infrastructure
5.2 Information and Communication Technology
5.3 Doing business in 2016
6 Sustainable Development Goals / Agenda 2063
1. Algeria - Algérie
2. Angola
3. Benin - Bénin
4. Botswana
5. Burkina Faso
6. Burundi
7. Cabo Verde
8. Cameroon - Cameroun
9. Central African Republic - République Centrafricaine
10. Chad - Tchad
11. Comoros - Comores
12. Congo
13. C?te d’Ivoire
14. Democratic Republic of the Congo - République Démocratique du Congo
15. Djibouti
16. Egypt - égypte
17. Equatorial Guinea - Guinée équatoriale
18. Eritrea - érythrée
19. Ethiopia - éthiopie
20. Gabon
21. Gambia - Gambie
22. Ghana
23. Guinea - Guinée
24. Guinea Bissau - Guinée Bissau
25. Kenya
26. Lesotho - Lésotho
27. Liberia - Libéria
28. Libya - Libye
29. Madagascar
30. Malawi
31. Mali
32. Mauritania - Mauritanie
33. Mauritius - Maurice
34. Morocco - Maroc
35. Mozambique
36. Namibia - Namibie
37. Niger
38. Nigeria - Nigéria
39. Rwanda
40. S?o Tomé and Príncipe - S?o Tomé-et-Principe
41. Senegal - Sénégal
42. Seychelles
43. Sierra Leone
44. Somalia - Somalie
45. South Africa - Afrique du Sud
46. South Sudan - Soudan du Sud
47. Sudan - Soudan
48. Swaziland
49. Tanzania - Tanzanie
50. Togo
51. Tunisia - Tunisie
52. Uganda - Ouganda
53. Zambia - Zambie
54. Zimbabwe