1. Summary and Price Outlook
? Platinum in 2017
? Palladium in 2017
? Outlook
2. PGM Prices
? Platinum & Palladium
? Rhodium
3. Investment
? Commodity Exchanges
? Retail Investment
4. Supply
? Mine Production
? Autocatalyst Recycling
? Jewellery Scrap Supply
? Above-Ground Bullion Stocks
5. Demand
? Autocatalyst Demand
? Jewellery
? Dental
? Electronics
? Glass
? Chemical
? Petroleum
6. Appendices
? Appendix 1 - Platinum Supply and Demand (ounces)
? Appendix 2 - Palladium Supply and Demand (ounces)
? Appendix 3 - Platinum Supply and Demand (tonnes)
? Appendix 4 - Palladium Supply and Demand (tonnes)
? Ruthenium and Iridium Prices
? Platinum and Palladium Price Correlations
? Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Exchange Traded Funds
? Sibanye aims to become world’s second largest PGM producer